Evolution Seed Has Multiple Benefits

Evolution Seed makes green lawns as shown in horizontal triptych of pictures of green grass

There are a lot of different types of grass seed on the market.  From types of grass to brands of seed, the options are almost endless.  One way to limit your options is to make the consentience decision to purchase ecologically friendly products.  There are many certifications and grades these products can receive. Knowing what these titles mean makes it easy for you to make knowledgeable decisions. An important step in purchasing high-quality organic products like Evolution seed is selecting a respectable dealer. You can trust companies who have put their own time and research into the efficacy and safety levels of the products they carry. You want a supplier who knows their products and can trust that they’ve chosen to carry this product for good reason.

A Non-Toxic Lawn Requires the Right Provider

We commend anyone who is committing to planting a non-toxic lawn.  This doesn’t only mean using organic seed, but choosing environmentally friendly care products as well.  This can be a difficult endeavor.  Finding the right products can sometimes take a lot of trial and error which can take a long time. Finding a great supplier can pretty much eliminate all this work.  Buying from a company that has already done this research and that you can trust is crucial.  Finding a distributor who puts this much time and effort into analyzing the products they carry is one of the best steps you can take in growing a non-toxic lawn.

Why is Evolution Seed the Best

Evolution Seed holds multiple certifications and labels.  One big mistake people make when starting out on the non-toxic lawn journey is not selecting a seed that will flourish in a pesticide free environment.  Unless you select a grass seed specific for this type of growing environment, all your work could result in a failing lawn.  It is easy to see that Evolution seed is specifically targeted for a non-toxic environment. 

                Blue Tag Certified – This tag gives the purchases confidence that what the bag says is inside is in fact true.  It does not, however, certify anything having to do with the quality of the seed.  Rather, it guarantees that the pureness of the seed is there and the label is accurate.  While there are requirements for all labels, having a blue tag certification takes It up a level and are more stringent.  As an example, as explained on the  UMass agriculture site, “Kentucky bluegrass minimum guaranteed purity is 90% while the minimum purity for Blue tag certification is 95%.”

                A-List Certified – Evolution seed meets all the conditions to certified by the Alliance for Low Input Sustainable Turf.  This label demands that anything receiving this certification has lower than average needs for water, pesticides, and fertilizer.  Evolution seed demands 35% less water than other seeds resulting in a saving of approximately 55,000 gallons of water per year.

There’s More on the Label

Aside from receiving the above impressive certifications, there is a lot more on Evolution Seeds label. Knowing what everything means on a seed label is an important part of selecting the right grass seed.

You will notice that Evolution Seed is a mixture of multiple grass species.  This helps to improve the soil condition which encourages regeneration.  What one species may lack, another may add giving you the best chance at growing a lush green lawn.

One thing that is missing off of the label is other seed crop and weed seed.  Evolution Seed is at 0.00% for both.  This is both impressive and important.  Weed seed is labeled by weight, not by distribution. Weed seeds are significantly smaller than grass seed, so this means that even percentages that seem small and insignificant can cause a large problem.  This is a large factor when searching for the right non-toxic grass seed.  Any inclusion of weed seed can lead to failure. Crop seed can be just as, if not more, detrimental to your success depending on what species you are using. Crop seed includes things like wheat, alfalfa, and bentgrass.  Any species that is included at a percentage of five or more must be listed individually by name.  If there is less than 5% by weight, all species are lumped together for a total crop seed percentage. 

Finally, we feel it is important to also mention the Paleo Seed Treatment.  Paleo is a mixture of acids that improves germination rate and root establishment.  It uses Humic, Ulmic, and Fulvic acids to improve the plants ability to take in nutrients, stimulate root growth, and improves the capability to withstand stressors.  Using a seed coating has shown an up to 30% improved germination rate versus seeds that lack a coating.  Root length in a test also proved to be one inch for coated seeds, but only half that for non-coated seeds.

Evolution Seed Gives You an Advantage

Evolution seed bag superimposed on picture of green lawn being mowed by push mower

Using a high-quality grass seed is key to producing a thriving lush non-toxic lawn.  Not just any grass seed will do. Give yourself a competitive edge by using Evolution Seed.  This multi-species seed has passed many important ecologically friendly certifications including non-GMO, blue tag, and A-List certifications.  Utilizing the Paleo seed coating gives this seed the best chance at survival and endurance.  When you embark on a non-toxic lawn journey, find yourself a trustworthy supplier that has extensive knowledge.  They will be essential to your success.  We can all do our part by planting non-toxic lawns and maintaining them with environmentally friendly products.

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